- 5 1/2 cups water lukewarm
- 4 tbsp yeast
- 1/2 cup oil
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1/2 cup gluten
- 2 tbsp salt
- 11-14 cups whole wheat flour
Measure lukewarm water into large container, add yeast and let stand until yeast begins to dissolve.
Add oil, honey, gluten, salt, and 6 cups of whole wheat flour (made with the Lee Household Flour Mill).
Beat thoroughly with a spoon or electric mixer to make a "sponge." Let rest for 10-15 minutes.
Gradually stir in rest of flour.
Knead well on a floured breadboard. Let rest while greasing loaf pans.
Divide and form into 4-5 loaves, depending on pan size.
Put in warm place to rise. Cover with towel. Do not let dough rise in pans more than 3 to 3.5" total height.
Bake in preheated oven 350-375 degrees for 35-45 minutes.
Remove immediately from pans.